| Cardiff & Vale Advocacy Gateway (CVAG) is the primary access point for individuals seeking advocacy support in the Cardiff & Vale area. CVAG aims to connect individuals and professionals with qualified advocates who protect rights and express views, wishes, and feelings Call 02920 462 222 |
 | Cardiff People First is a self advocacy organisation run by and for people with a learning disability in Cardiff. We support each other to make our voice heard, learn about life and do new things. We stand up for our rights and campaign to change attitudes, get better services and enjoy more opportunities. We fight for equality, understanding, respect and acceptance. |
 | 21 High Street is a One Stop Shop (OSS) in Cardiff city centre. It is a safe place for adults with Autism Spectrum Condition to access a wide range of advice and support. It is also a place where they can take part in various social activities. Email info@asc-cymru.org or call 02920 228 794 |
 | The Friendly Trust is a registered charity which helps vulnerable adults to manage their money. We provide individuals with accessible information and personalised, practical help to help them increase their financial independence and security and improve the quality of their lives. |
 | - Cardiff and the Vale Parents' Federation is a charity run by parents and carers of children and adults with learning disabilities who live in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan. Let us know your problems - we cannot guarantee to solve them but may be able to point you in the right direction or take up any justified issues. We can put you in touch with other parents with similar experiences who are happy to share their knowledge and show the ways they have been able to make progress - remember, all members are parent carers - you are not alone! |
 | Learning Disability Wales is a national charity representing the learning disability sector in Wales. Everything that we do focuses on creating a Wales that values and includes every child, young person and adult with a learning disability. |